b'LifestyleConnected to the inaFor 500 years, this land brought life to the communities of old Hawaii. Renowned for its rich soil, this ina once nourished kalo fields and came to be known as Kuilei, a place for growth and ohana. Nearly half a millennium later, we pay homage to the legacy of this land through our name, Kuilei Place. Today, a new community is taking root at Kuilei Place. A place for kamaina, designed by kamaina. Together, kui and lei means to string flowers, beads, seeds, or shells into lei; a lei stringer. It can also signify raising or carrying a child. Many surfers, divers, and beachgoers will also recognize our name from the Diamond Head landmark Kuilei Cliffs, which cascade down the base of Lahi.From the alii of old to the modern era, Kuilei has long been a home for kamaina. While kalo fields may no longer define the landscape, the thriving community were growing today will become a fixture in Honolulu for generations to come. With a keen eye on tomorrow, Kuilei Place is thoughtfully designed and approachable, with a contemporary aesthetic that speaks to the future of modern island living. Like lei, communities are stronger when bound together. 6 7'